We have a varied programme of groups and activities throughout the age ranges.

Home Groups: To encourage growth in the Christian faith we have groups that meet in homes during the week to study what the bible teaches and how we apply it to our lives. There are daytime and evening meetings; contact the pastor for details

Knocking on a bit (KOB): This group meets once a month on a Tuesday from 10.30am until 3.00pm and is for any older folk (60+) within the Community. The aim of the group is to provide a friendly environment where older folk can meet together over a cup of tea or coffee, have a meal, enjoy doing craft activities, quizzes and board games as well as some informal entertainment. We provide transport for those who would otherwise not be able to get out. There is a small charge for the day to cover costs and there is always a “Thought for the day”. Homemade cake and a cup of tea are served before going home

Young People:

Fusion (ages 11-18):  Fusion is a youth club for young people aged 11-18. Typical nights include video games evenings, pool and table tennis, music, baking or just chatting with friends.  We also have social nights when we might order in a take-away and watch a film or go out to play wide games or go bowling or laser quest. Fusion meet every Friday (in term time) 8.00pm - 9.45pm at the church

Breakout [term-time only] Children’s Group for children in school years 4 to 6. 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm.

Cell (ages 14-18): Cell is a bible study group for young people in school years 9+, meeting on a Monday evening. We meet weekly in the upstairs lounge at church studying bi-weekly and doing games and activities on the alternate weeks.

Cell is a place for young people to come and learn more about the bible in a relaxed way using YouTube clips, movies, music, and more to help engage with the Word of God and see its relevance in our lives. We also have socials when we have fun eating together and playing sports.
Cell meet every Monday (in term time) 7.00pm - 8.30pm in the lounge above the church, see HERE