If you would rather watch re-runs of the A-Team on a Saturday night than Strictly Come Dancing or some ‘Ice Show’, then this page is for you.

Fellaship is a simple group of men (just like Robin Hood's Merry Men!) who meet together for various activities  throughout the year.

Our goal is to develop into men who represent Jesus in all we do, and demonstrate his outrageous grace to everyone we meet. And if we can do that whilst eating some kind of meat, all the better!

This page should give you all the info you need, although if this is a little too much like being asked to read an instruction manual, then just contact Matt. As long as he is not watching any Rugby, Football, Top Gear re-runs he should get back to you soon.

Breakfast or Prayer & A Pint

From time to time we meet on a Saturday morning for breakfast in the Hall, from 8:00am to 10:30am. Yep, that’s right, 8 o’clock on a precious Saturday! Man up and get out of bed soldier!

Plenty of coffee and good food as well as possibly some time praying together for our church, ourselves and our mates.

Alternatively we also meet at a more sociable time of 7:30pm one Thursday evening a month, where we do a similar deal, except we finish off at the local pub to sample the local ales.


Hammer 'N Tongs

Strap on your tool belt and get stuck in as we fix things in the church or help people from the fellowship or local community with jobs. If Anneka Rice would have tackled it, so will we (although please don’t wear lycra). Any local community project that we can help by flexing our combined DIY muscles, we will. And afterwards we will devour a curry…unless we are actually meeting in the morning; where we will take a debate on either a curry or bacon is the ultimate choice??

Keep your eyes peeled for news of the next project or, if you know of somewhere that needs a helping hand, give Matt a shout.


Come shoot the breeze and chillax with the lads! All ages accepted 18 to 128.

Trips out for sporting enthusiasts, beer drinking, meat eating and outdoor type activities. No shopping trips…Ever